Handling relay events has been reworked in the latest release of O-Lynx to better able to cope with mass starts or other situations when the runners on 2 or more legs end up out on the course atg the same time. Teams can consist of up to 12 runners. When a runner puches the finish punch, the next runners leg is automatically started.

The new Team Results by Grade window can show most information regarding a teams current position including elapsed times and leg status. The other standard O-Lynx results screens such as the monitor window will still be the best for watching individuals as they pass through the radio controls.

For setting mass starts the Set Start time wizard has been updated to allow Ctrl-click course selection so different grades can be mass started easily at different times. A special relay option gives  the ability to set the start times for all unstarted runners or those who have started after a certain time.


For relay events, O-Lynx can be setup independently or import OS2003/2010 event files to eliminate double entry. Use of O-Lynx Sync for direct database import of the OS Relay information is not currently supported.