by | Jan 2, 2015 | Development, Events
Over the past year O-Lynx has continued to establish itself as the best way to maximise the spectator appeal of orienteering events in the Oceania and Americas regions. National championships in New Zealand, Australia, and the USA again made full use O-Lynx software...
by | Sep 25, 2014 | Development
A recent update to O-Lynx is the concept of untimed legs. These legs or sections of a race are not included in the final total time. 2 examples of where untimed legs can be used are …. Adventure Races. When teams arrive at a task, sometimes there may be another...
by | Sep 10, 2014 | Development
For those of you using or investigating the Air+ controls, some testing was recently done using a BS-11 station and the SIACs ( SPORTident active Cards). The O-Lynx Radios, OLC-03, which are fitted with the SRR USB Dongle were used for the testing as these are capable...
by | Jan 22, 2014 | Development
The Hawkes Bay Club started its Summer Series today. Orienteering is officially under way for 2014. I had been thinking a lot about the summer series as it will be the first time O-Lynx Touch needs to be used for “Individual” Courses where both a grade and...
by | Jul 8, 2013 | Development
At a recent club event, O-Lynx Touch was introduced as a way for people to enter themselves with just a few taps on a touchscreen directly into the clubs OE2010 software. It is designed to cut the workload at events by making the entry of competitors a quick and...