Hawkes Bay 2011 School Events

The Hawkes Bay School Individual Orienteering Champs for 2011 were held on the 12th June at the Craggy Range map. About 4 radio controls were used plus the two on the finish. The event centre was sited really well to make the event as spectator friendly as possible....

Regal Orienteering Carnival 2011

North West Orienteering Club organised to use the O-Lynx system at the 3 day Regal Orienteering event being held over the Queens Birthday weekend. They were co-hosting it with the Auckland Orienteering Club. As the event was being held in Woodhill it would be a good...

North Island Secondary School Champs 2011

The Taupo club hosted this event the weekend after the nationals. It was welcome to see the sun after the heavy rain Hawkes Bay experienced straight after the Nationals Relays, with no access to maps that had been used for the events due to slips. Geoff Morrison was...

2011 New Zealand Orienteering Championships

The 2011 New Zealand National Championships was one of the main drivers behind the development of the O-Lynx radio system. This blog is just to summarise some of the technical areas covered by the O-Lynx related gear. The O-Lynx radio units formed the basis of the...

2011 Triple Peaks Adventure Race

The O-Lynx radios were used just around the event centre for this Hawkes Bay adventure race. The event had a mass start and so prior to the start “Check” controls where used to record the actual competitors who were present. Controls setup as...

Kaweka Challenge 2011

The 2011 Kaweka Challenge on the 26th,27th February was the first time O-Lynx controls were used in an adventure race event. The Kaweka challenge is a multi-course mountain event that has been co-organised and run by the Heretaunga Tramping Club and Hawkes Bay...